Mission Statement
In obedience to God, as a Christ-centered body of believers, New Evangelistic Ministries commit to disciple, enable and encourage one another to love, worship, and serve our Savior, Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we commit to bring people into a God conscious mindset that ultimately produces a community of self-reliant and self-sufficient occupants/ families.

Come and experience the uplifting sermons of Pastor Dorothy Stubbs!
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Help us Help Others
Charity is the heart of brotherhood. Give and receive God’s blessing ten fold.
Outreach. Healing. Community.
We are telling everybody about a God that loves everybody and can save anybody. We strive to go outside our doors and help others.
Belief & Faith
Baptism is a rite of initiation into the Christian faith and the Church community. It marks the beginning of a new life as a follower of Christ and signifies membership in the Body of Christ, the Church. Through baptism, individuals are united with other believers in the global Christian community.
Matthew 6:6: “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen; then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
The Lord commanded us to Love one another. At New Evangelistic Ministries, we believe that when we serve others, we are serving the Lord.
To Minister
To minister when used in a broader sense is offering help or care to those in need. Matthew 25:35-40 “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in, I needed clothes, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison, and you came to visit me.”
To Evangelize
Evangelism; The term comes from the Greek word euangelion, meaning “good news” or “gospel.” Matthew 28:19-20
Jesus instructs people to make disciples of all nations, baptize them, and teach them to obey his commands.
Mark 16:15 Jesus instructs people to go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Matthew 5:14 People are the light of the world.
We Gather Every Friday & Sunday
Fridays 7am- Prayer Line
Sundays 9am- Breakfast & Bible
Sundays 10:30am-Worship Services
Church Blog
The Latest News & Updates
Youth Music Lessons
N.E.M Music & Arts Youth Outreach PresentsMusic lessons. Let music flow in your heart and enrich your soul. Youths ages 7-24. Services offered* Piano (Classical)* Piano (Instachord)* Drums First Friday in March, Time 5pm to 7pm, for 12 weeks, Call or text today at 412-692-1485
Real Men
Real Men do Cry As you go through life, you fight stereotypes and popular misconceptions. Several notions exist about how “real men” should act in different situations. Take a moment to identify your own ideas about how men should “handle” grief. When did you form this opinion? Who modeled this…
Trust in the Lord
No matter how long it has been, you still carry a portion of your grief with you. Emotions you already dealt with come flooding back at the most unexpected times. Grief’s timing is not your timing. Elisabeth Elliot says, “One day after my husband died, I was in the grocery…
Tempted\' to Do Good Joyce Meyers Devotional One thing that draws us into temptation is thinking too highly of ourselves and trusting ourselves too much. This is an attitude planted by the enemy. We get prideful and think we\'re just fine, but then Satan tempts us, and we fall into…
Its a Process
If you want to heal from grief, you must go through it; you cannot go around it. The grieving process is a healing process. Do not look at healing as a goal you can only attain at the end of the process. Each step you take is part of your…
New Evangelistic Ministries
There is a price to pay due to a lack of discipline We are in the book of Proverbs Proverbs 1:3 A good and productive life doesn\'t just happen it takes planning, hard work and Gods grace. Question food for thought What are your goals this year to improve your…
From Nancy
Grief can be disruptive Grief affects everything you do. It can disrupt every aspect of your life in ways you might not expect. “I don’t think I had time to think because psychologically I wasn’t with it,” says Nancy, whose husband passed away. “I would do stupid things. I would…
Father in the name of Jesus Christ
I humbly & fervently pray for those who are seeking your face with utmost sincerity, I pray that you may grant them, like Esther, a season of purification, and that you may prompt a profound spiritual introspection, reflection, and renewal within while searching and proving us, Father, complete the work…